Sometimes this journey into lost medicines from the ancient world can feel kind of like an Indiana Jones movie.
We come across amazing cultures with such fascinating traditions… and the promise of powerful plants and formulas that could save lives. You just can’t make this stuff up!
And today’s piece is no different.
Do you know what one of the most medicinal, yet often overlooked trees on Earth is? Here’s a hint: it originates from India and is commonly referred to as “The Tree of Immortality!”
*Can you hear the Jeopardy music playing?*
Time’s up! …It’s moringa!
Nearly every part of the moringa tree (Moringa oleifera) is edible and chock-full of powerhouse antioxidants, minerals, and beneficial compounds. It is known to reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar and improve heart function.
This is a power herb that just about everyone should be adding to their morning smoothies or mixing into their salads / salad dressing. We’re talking about a wonder-herb for overall human health that is shown to heal skin issues, headaches, fatigue, painful joints and even certain cancers.
We always keep a bottle of cold-pressed moringa oil in our medicine cabinet because it’s so unbelievably versatile.
My kids are well-versed in the benefits of this incredible plant too. When they bump or bruise themselves playing outside, they know Mom or Dad will dab the wound with moringa to ward off any bacteria and keep the swelling down.
And these therapeutic benefits aren’t folklore or placebo effects — they’ve been clinically proven.
In one article I came across recently, wounds dressed with moringa extract healed faster than those dressed without.
While this might be a discovery for modern medicine, it’s old news for healers trained in Ayurveda — a 3,000 year old medicine system that uses moringa as a treatment for more than 300 disorders.
Just goes to show that the ancients have long known what scientists are just discovering now!
Beyond these powerful healing benefits, moringa is also deeply rooted in our collective past.
Moringa might have actually changed the course of human history, helping to shape the outcome of the battle between Alexander the Great, and the Mauryan warriors of India.
As the legend goes, Alexander the Great began his march eastwards, determined to conquer India and beyond. When he crossed the Indus river, he was met with an unexpected surprise–the Mauryan warriors were waiting for him on the other side.
These warriors were known to be men of stamina and valor who drank tea extracted from the moringa leaf daily.
Alexander’s armies were no match for the warriors — apparently moringa tea not only imbued them with strength, but it also numbed any pain. After two years Alexander was forced to give up. This unstoppable conqueror was foiled by the moringa tea-drinking Mauryan warriors — talk about a powerhouse plant!
Moringa is a superfood that we will be hearing a lot more about in the coming years… don’t overlook this one!
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
& Founder of The Sacred Science
17 Responses
I always enjoy and learn from your posts.
Bought Moringa Tea not knowing its
antioxidant properties.
Does moringa come in an extract form?
Where can I find any products from the Moringa Tree? I want to know abut the oil and tea.
Hi Nick it is so good to read about this amazing plant. I have a tree in my garden and have been using this plant for ages. I even cook the leaves like herbs with extra onions and garlic. The stems are boiled and drank has a tea to get rid of water retention. Great herb. Thank you.
Thanks for your article about Moringa. I am curious – every time I try to introduce Moringa into my daily routine I feel slightly turned off by it and often forget to take it. I am wondering if it is just not good for me for some reason – perhaps too strong for my system or there is something else that I can’t tolerate about it?
Herbs are best traditional medicine that has been proven to cure many sicknesses or diseases, consuming consistently will keep our immune system stronger…, thus maintaining our healthier life, always.
I am a believer when it comes to Moringa and spirulina, I’ve used spirulina since the late 70’s and Moringa since the last 15 years or longer. Can’t be without either the Moringa seeds, powder or oil! Spirulina is fabulous! I raised my children on it! They would eat the little green pills because they liked the taste! Their little teeth would be green, and the force was with them! ( the first movie Starwars was out), so every morning after eating their spirulina, I would say “ may the force be with you!” As they went off to school! As adults now, they still consume spirulina in their smoothies!
Another wonder super food to look at if you haven’t already is the winter melon or ash gourd. It is amazing and I feel it brought me out of serious long brain fog and fatigue from Coronavirus. I swear by it! I drank the juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I was amazed how quickly it works! I can’t live with out consuming it because of how it makes me feel. 🤩 clear headed and energetic!
I alternate my super foods and grow Moringa so I can enjoy the leaves in my soups or salads!
Don’t forget about the real shungite stones. So many wonderful blessings for those willing to try!
Thank you for the informative information.
I am interested in what you said about covid and ash gourd juice. I have covid brain….foggy thinking. Can you tell me how you prepare the juice? Thanks
Where can I find a clean moringa oil?
Thank you for this article. While I was in Ghana, not only did we grow moringa on our property we used it for so many things. Nice to hear abut it again. wish we could grow it here!
Thank you.
The Filipinos in Hawaii, including my neighbor, use moringa for similar health reasons. THanks for reminding me, someone sells moringa leaves at farmer’s mkt.
I take Moringa and Spirulina everyday
They have done wonders for my health
The things doctors predicted were going to happen to me as a result of my treatment do not happen I monitor my body very very closely I have never been sick in my life until this health challenge
I have gained back the weight I lost during 2 weeks in the hospital I have gained back my strength too
I am not a doctor but I attribute these to Moringa, Spirulina and Ashwaghanda
I try NOT to take any product I have not thoroughly researched
I use my background in Biology Chemistry and Physics to help me in these researches
Thank you for what you do
I love Nick Polizzi’s info and am delighted to read about the morninga tree’s healing benefits. My son lives in Bali where the morninga grows. Thank you Nick for your wonderful blogs!
Please clarify the NO’s for Moringa : I learned from a Naturopatic doctor that although Moringa has many uses, Moringa is not recomended for people with Hypothiroyd problems because it interferes with Thyroid functioning( TSH Hormone) which is my case.
Please clarify por your readers if it is true.
You say those Mauryan Warriors were known to be men of stamina and valor and were imbued with strength and even got pain relief and all because they drank Moringa tea??….Wow…i’ve been drinking my own homegrown organic Moringa tea several X per day for 5 yrs and i can tell you first hand that none of those things are true. If i could get pain relief just from drinking my tea that’d make my day…every day. lol and have a nice day!
Thanks for sharing. I would like to know how can I get some moringa and also, what other forms can I get dandelions in to eat or drink?
Thank you so much! So interesting and a great reminder! And thank you for your beautiful versatile newsletters and your blog!
Best wishes, Happy Easter and blessings!
Hi, this information is really helpful.
Do you have a remedy for psoriasis and anti ageing of the skin?