I’m writing you from the remote village of San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala. “Why?”, you ask?
As you know, we spend a lot of time exploring the traditional herbs of North and South America, but how about the fertile land bridge that connects these two gigantic continents? Don’t let the lack of mainstream media attention mislead you, Central America is home to mysterious and beautiful cultures – and is also a hotbed of ancient plant wisdom.
The team and I are doing what we do best, seeking out indigenous cultures here to help preserve their fragile and priceless healing knowledge. We are in the middle of a two week expedition into the wilderness of Honduras, Guatemala, and Costa Rica and have a ton of incredible interviews lined up. These include talks with native healers, herbalists, and acclaimed field scientists from prominent universities like Harvard and UPenn.
Central America is home to the most advanced pre-colonial civilization that ever existed in the New World – the Maya. You’ve probably heard about their extraordinary temples and sophisticated calendrical systems in high school or university, but what about the medicines they used?
That’s what we’re here to find out 🙂 The short video below is a small glimpse into the forgotten healing traditions of this incredible culture. The elder featured here goes by the name of AumRak. She is a medicine woman and ceremonialist known for her deep understanding of the Maya Sacred Fire Ceremony.
It took us hours of driving on half-paved roads to film this ceremony on the edge of volcanic Lake Atitlán, but it was well worth the voyage. This land is absolutely enchanting.
About AumRak: AumRak was born in Guatemala to a German father and a mother of Maya heritage. She is 63 years of age, and received her initiations as a Maya Highlands ceremonialist in her native Guatemala. She has performed Sacred Fire ceremonies around the world.
Tomorrow we will meeting with renowned archaeologist (and herbalist) Dr. David W. Sedat who should shed some more light on the specific plant medicines that are still in use here today. We will be exploring the origins of popular plants like cacao (chocolate) and hibiscus, as well as a ton of lesser known but extremely beneficial herbs that grow in these forests.
A big thank you to researchers like David and ethnobotanists like Rosita Arvigo (next week) for making a big impact on the quality and quantity of native healing wisdom we bring home to you.
Bye for now. Off to see about some folk medicine!
Un abrazo,
Nick & The Sacred Science Team
18 Responses
Thank you Nick, for this beautiful clip. This type of work greatly interests me, as I know that one of many lives I have lived has been in the shaman realm. I would love to experience a trip of this sort to learn more of shamanism today. I use it with people, as an energetic way of healing as well as physical, yet wish to delve deeper. Thank you for this…it made me realize that this is an intent for the future.
Moments into the video I fell into a beautiful meditative state. Thank you Nick. Namaste type your comment here…
Can’t wait!!!!!
thanks Nick for your inspiring work!
Have you done any work in Panama yet?
Have a wonderful journey. Can’t wait to hear about your adventure. Thank you for sharing this with so many people. Namaste *
Beautiful! LOve what you are doing – can I come along?
Too back this didn’t come a few days ago. I just left Santiago Atitlan yesterday, arrived back in Antigua, and leave tomorrow for home, San Miguel de Allende.I would love to have attended the ceremony there. Maybe next time.
Very interesting will be looking forward to your documentary 🙂
Dear Nick and the Sacred Science Team, thank you for bringing us the other Truths that were buried by fear ,ignorance and control through ” power”.I love every single of your great videos. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to this beautiful journey. Much love to you all.
I’d love to learn more about the healing properties of Hibiscus and Cacao. I know that the flower is used in tea but not quite what it is good for. Thanks for sharing!
You should read Sastun by Rosita Arvigo
Thank u for sharing the video, I so enjoyed it! I have watched it quite a few times already. Can’t wait until the next film. I have the cookbook and I LOVE it also!! Keep up the great work.
Hi, your right there is much to learn from Central America’s rich Mayan history, especially there medicinal plants. Including the special tree that produces, a sap which In turn becomes Copal an incenses that is used in rituals as well as spiritual protection. Thanks for your research. Joe
Thank you for sharing! It is very inspirational and spiritual and this is what we need to see and hear.
Cannot wait
Sounds so interesting nick would like more infomation
Great site and info.
I did not know what I was supposed to take away from watching this video?