Ever heard of the 7 keys of ascension? How about the 7 chakras that exist within you?
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Alkemia Earth, a master energy healer and spiritual alchemist who has deep knowledge of this ancient school of knowledge.
In our chat, we take a deeper look at this central channel of the body, exploring the chakras as vital energetic organs. We explore how the chakras can be used to access and heal different levels of the self and trace the chakra system’s roots back to the mystery traditions of Egypt.
In the video below, Alkemia also shares how to work with these 7 keys to access our soul’s blueprint, and how sometimes, the answer to our questions is contained within.
As Rumi once put it,
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
If you enjoy this clip with Alkemia Earth, you can watch the full conversation with a FREE trial membership to our Inner Circle. You’ll get access to more talks like this and a ton of other monthly goodies. Come join us!
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Founder of The Sacred Science
6 Responses
Thank you so mutch.
this won’t play.
Love this video on the chakras! Alkemia described the chakras so well; I’m in a yoga teacher training and have briefly touched on the energy systems.
Enjoyed your guest. We seem to always seek outside ourselves for happiness. A nice reminder, happiest originates within. Be balanced, attract balance.
No sound with video
It is so wonderful to know that young people are embracing age old wisdom! Thank you, Nick, for your excellent invitations to delve deeply into our true nature. This is an age of tremendous need for these teachings.