I came across the little saying below yesterday and felt called to share it.
“Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds.”
Our thoughts often pass behind our eyelids without much investigation into their origin, as though these assemblages of information are out of our control – a simple reaction to something we just witnessed.
But are they really so untamable?
In Eastern religions, particularly Tibetan Buddhism, there is a notion of cultivating spaciousness or breathing room between our inner world and any events that are transpiring around us. It takes a little practice, but if we learn to hold space for whatever the “outer us” is experiencing, we can begin to examine the thoughts, beliefs and patterns that are running through our minds.
Will this thought help me evolve and thrive or will it hinder me?
If it passes this simple litmus test, we nourish it. If it is toxic or doesn’t serve our highest ideals, we know it’s time to set up spiritual shop and trace it down to its roots for further exploration and healing work.
“Spiritual life is a lot like gardening. We till and cultivate the garden of our heart, planting seeds of presence, openness and the ability to respect whatever arises. We water each one so the things which are beautiful in us can blossom.” – Jack Kornfield
Master gardeners and small farmers never stop minding their soil, even in times of abundance when the plants are flourishing. In order to create a healthy ecosystem, they must be aware of the natural rhythms and character of their particular plot.
If everything is roses in your life right now it doesn’t mean your inner gardening is done. On the other hand, if you’re going through a rough patch today don’t think it’s too late to start planting new seeds.
We humans tend to get spiritual in a hurry when big life challenges arise, but when the rain clouds part, we forget to continue our higher practices. What we often forget is that the deep work we did in the hard times is what sprouted the happy times we’re now enjoying.
A parting question: Looking within at your own inner garden, where is there a seedling of potential waiting to be watered? Are there any “weeds” just waiting to be compassionately released back into the ethers?
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Director, The Sacred Science
PS: Regarding the first quote at the very top, I don’t personally believe in the term “weeds” as all plants possess immense value, but the spirit of the sentence feels potent and timely!
2 Responses
Maybe the “weeds” are just taking space (and nourishment) from the most valuable “flowers” in your soul. Unfortunately, the duration of humans’ life is short, and we must choose our paths carefully and trace them within our inner gardens. Which “flowers” must be within our reach? That is for us to decide. Just look at dandelion!!
So simple, and yet, so powerful!! Is it a weed, is it food, or is it medicine? It is for us to decide…
I have read that “a weed is a flower growing where it’s not wanted” When we hear the word “garden” — we almost always think of flowers and not vegetables. But no matter which one you think of – when you sow seeds you tend to sow too many with the intensions of thinning out so as to give the healthy ones, or the chosen ones, left room to grow and flourish. The same should be with your seeds of thoughts. Weed out the unhealthily thoughts that will not help us be who we are suppose to be or do what we came here to do. Deep down in you – you know