Fear & Loathing On The Spirit Path

A few years ago, I was prancing along through the wildflower meadows of life when out of nowhere, storm clouds appeared.
The sky darkened. The birds stopped chirping. The bees stopped buzzing.
The nectar of life that flowed so abundantly just moments before was now leaving my body. My trusty inner compass that always pointed true north stared back at me, its needle spinning around lazily in a circle of doom.
I was suddenly lost. Not the exotic kind of lost, like finding yourself in the middle of nowhere in the Amazon.
Truth, Love, & Freedom

Hanging out with my friends and family over the past month, I’ve noticed a pretty beautiful thing. It seems like everyone is stepping into a new version of themselves right now… realizing who they really are and what they want this life to look like.
Does that sound like you too?
A Sleep Doctor Shares His Secrets

Ever heard the term “early bird” or “night owl?” Turns out these descriptors aren’t so much of a choice, but rather a specific genetic imprint. Dr. Michael Breus calls these chronotypes – and knowing yours can change not only your quality of sleep, but your life.
The Root Cause Of Disease

If you’ve heard the term leaky gut innumerable times but still don’t really grasp what it means, then this clip is for you. Dr. Tom really breaks it down, explaining how genetics, food allergies, environmental triggers and tears in your intestinal lining contribute to chronic systemic inflammation and the creation of dis-ease in the body.
3 Aphrodisiac Herbs To Enhance Romance

If I were to ask you what the single most important organ is when it comes to sexual well-being, what would you say? Considering that simply smelling vanilla raises testosterone levels in males and estrogen levels in females, you might be thinking, “the nose!” I mean, modern research has shown that the scent of vanilla is correlated with a greater increase in sexual arousal for men than any other scent