I came across a poem this week that stopped me in my tracks. I was reading the Tibetan Book Of The Dead when the eight lines below jumped off the page.
I’ve never seen a description of “source” written on paper so succinctly. This is the epitome of what we are touching at the height of ceremony and deep meditation – when we are truly awake.
These words are now printed on the wall next to my desk:
Remember the clear light,
The pure clear white light
From which everything in the universe comes,
To which everything in the universe returns;
The original nature of your own mind.
The natural state of the universe unmanifest.
Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it.
It is your own true nature, it is home.
– The Tibetan Book Of The Dead
Never forget who you really are.
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Director, The Sacred Science
10 Responses
The Eqyptian Book of the Dead has something quite similar.
Call the light what you will. It feels right.
Beautiful. A good way to begin a meditation.
Would name it Consciousness which is pure Light .
except the moment you name it, you limit it.
It is interesting that the majority of people who have experienced near death experiences (NDE) have told of being drawn to “a beautiful, bright and pure light from which they did not want to return.” This should all be clear evidence that our spririts go back to the Universe once we depart the realm of being.
Beautifully said. The white light (our universal energy) is such a pleasant and comforting feeling once you can get in touch with. It’s then when you do not feel alone, but blessed to live and experience Earth.
“the Tibetan Book of the Dead” confirmed my life’s experiences. I truly believe this sacred text can be of service to many who are willing to open their minds to it. It may be the case that some background learning is needed beforehand. I have discussed the possibility with psychiatrists, PhD’s in psychology & with others in the field some Mystics & some with much experience in both fields. It is obvious in this physical world of apparent turmoil, suffering, grief and great despair, the realm of the supposed “unseen” is becoming more & more realized to those who look. For those who do not, it is here, just not consciously apparent. I am excited to find & view the film. I am hopeful it may provide help for that which ails me. And then, I pray my beliefs are strong enough to provide the means for me to recieve the blessings needed. So many ailments where I have been told “surgery” as the only option, and the almighty dollar for that! Gratefuly I had not the funds and instead had been gifted options through grace. Non invasive somewhat simple cures. This is what I seek for my hands to function again. I asked the hand surgeon “what will happen if I don’t get the surgery?” His reply “you will loose complete use of your hands.” I am searching for an answer besides surgery. I have had way too many of those. If by chance you know of alternatives, I would be forever grateful.
Thank You, all the best. Victoria
Hopefully not a silly request, but I would find it helpful to know whose translation, and a page number reference.
I did finally purchase the ‘Ancient Medicine’. I especially liked Dr. Lowdog. Periodically she would use a phrase or simply a sentence that really provided an ‘AHA’ moment. I am currently affliated with a local shaman, yoga teacher, practitioner of new and full moon ceremonies, chakra teacher, all around good human. She helped me(among others)go through the pandemic without completely losing our humanity. She developed a course particularly for women about our strengths, vulnerabilities to help us know ourselves better. Wild, Wild. So all encompassing!