Inhabiting these earthly bodies on this physical plane, it’s normal to sometimes feel out of alignment with who we truly are. Yes, it’s our responsibility to recalibrate and reconnect whenever we can, but it’s silly to beat ourselves up every time we fall out of the saddle.
The quote below illustrates how these minor setbacks are really an opportunity in disguise:
“Contrast allows us to see what is not in alignment with our Authentic Selves, and then presents us with opportunity after opportunity to respond from a place of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, love, joy, gratitude, etc. Thus, when we break the karmic loop we swing back into alignment with Spirit.”
—Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace
But sometimes this “karmic loop” isn’t so obvious to us – even when we’re entangled within it. We Homo sapiens have a habit of tricking ourselves into believing that we’re absolutely fine and it’s the world around us that is the problem.
Not to worry! We’ve got the antidote below.
Below are 5 ways you can tell when you’re out of spiritual alignment, and some possible solutions to rejuvenate your connection.
1. Fatigue
We all get tired, but this one goes bone deep. Your whole soul feels tired. This can happen when we are not living in alignment with our purpose, or when we are being inauthentic about something. These blind spots take a lot of life-force energy to compensate for, and you will likely feel a surge of energy once you begin to address and mend them. (By the way, we all have these – no shame allowed!)
Questions to consider:
• Where am I being inauthentic?
• What kinds of dreams am I having when I sleep?
• Where can I honor my word by acknowledging where I’ve been out of integrity to myself or those close to me?
Suggestions to try:
• Meditate or pray, and seek the answers within to discover your purpose or the hidden meanings in your dreamtime.
• Take a walk, or try more vigorous exercise if you can. There’s nothing like getting into action to wake up and shake up old energy.
• Recharge your spine. The spine is the axis of our being, and the best way to combat fatigue is to wake up our innermost beings. You can do this through a seated meditation pose, or through spinal rotations. Stand with your feet planted firmly on the ground, about hip-width apart, raise your straightened arms to shoulder-height, and then gently twist back and forth, from left to right. Try this for 1 to 3 minutes, and you should start feeling a little more enlivened.
• Use essential oils in a diffuser. Try lemon for its refreshing quality, or rosemary to clear and enliven the mind.
2. Irregular Breathing
What does breath have to do with anything? Everything.
The English word for “spirit” comes from the Latin word “spiritus,” which means “breath.” Our connection to our breath is therefore very telling. Irregular breathing can mean anything from very shallow, to intermittent, or even heavy, which is different from relaxed deep breathing. This can be caused by a few different things, including anxiety, anger, and stress.
Questions to consider:
• Where in my life am I holding onto fear, anger or resentment?
• Where in my body do I feel tension?
• What parts of myself are in need of personal attention?
Suggestions to try:
• If you discover you have anger, forgive. Forgive deeply and completely. For some help with this – here is a great 9 step guide we found from Berkeley University on how to forgive.
• Experiment with 4-7-8 Rhythmic Breathing. With your body relaxed, inhale deeply into your belly for a count of 4; hold your breath for a count of 7; exhale for a count of 8 at which point your lungs should be completely emptied of air. Repeat for a few rounds.
• For those holding on to stress or anxiety, nourish yourself with an Epsom salts bath and essential oils. The salts contain magnesium, which have a soothing and calming effect. Similarly, essential oils can induce wonderful effects. Try lavender (soothing and calming), geranium (promotes cheerfulness and prevents the mental downward spiral), fennel (for self-compassion), frankincense (relaxation), or eucalyptus (to promote respiratory circulation).
3. Difficulty Concentrating
We live in a society where we are overwhelmed and overcommitted, more often to things we don’t even really, authentically care about. Many of us chase so many “shiny” objects in a given day that we’re left feeling scattered and somewhat directionless. You may be truly excited about all of the things you’re up to, but have a simple problem of math—there are not enough hours in the day.
Questions to consider:
• Where am I overcommitted?
• What is my highest priority today, this week, this month, this year?
• Where in my day can I create more space for myself to just be?
Suggestions to try:
• Protect your time. It’s precious and often times squandered away.
• Put things into existence on a calendar or a project management app.
• Try a visualization meditation. Create 50-minute “productivity blocks” for each working hour. Then take short breaks for 5 to 10 minutes and visualize from beginning to end how your next hour will go. If you can’t do this each hour, maybe try a morning meditation at the beginning of each work day, and visualize your most powerful day.
• Apply a drop of peppermint oil by rubbing into each of your temples. Peppermint promotes concentration and focus.
4. Sadness, Depression
Loss is often the culprit here. Loss of a loved one, loss of a friendship, loss of a pet, or a job, or child custody, or a home. Perhaps you’re feeling a loss of power, or loss of your youth, or your health. When we deconstruct our sadness or depression, we often find fear. Fear of being alone, fear of abandonment, and the ultimate—fear of death.
Questions to consider:
• Where in my body am I holding onto grief?
• What do I feel I’ve lost?
• What shadow do I possess that I refuse to acknowledge?
Suggestions to try:
• Develop a gratitude practice. Gratitude is the antidote for both anger or sadness. Begin making a daily list of 5 to 10 things you’re grateful for, and watch how beautiful the world suddenly becomes.
• If you’re really daring, send a heartfelt note to someone you do not like and perhaps you’ll witness a miracle.
• Try a couple of drops of grapefruit essential oil mixed into a glass of drinking water. Grapefruit promotes positivity and joy. (Make sure the essential oils you’re using are consumable. They will have nutritional information listed on their vials to indicate edibility.)
5. Irritability
When your nerves are on alert, imbalance is typically the culprit here, and more often than not this has to do with the precarious balance of chemicals in our bodies. Maintaining proper nutrition, hydration, energetic, and hormone balances are key.
Questions to consider:
• How much caffeine, sugar, or alcohol am I consuming?
• How much do I sleep at night?
• Am I maintaining a healthy weight and a healthy diet?
• How fulfilling is my sex life?
Suggestions to try:
• Add more leafy greens, root vegetables, and fruits to your diet.
• Increase hydration – drink 100 oz of water each day.
• Consider cutting way back—or even eliminating—caffeine, refined sugar, and alcohol from your diet for a week or two, and see if you notice a difference in your mood.
• Try the following essential oils for balancing hormones: clary sage, sandalwood, or thyme.
• Practice an eye-gazing meditation with a romantic partner while seated in yab-yum. The physical touch balances erratic energy, and the eye-gazing itself will take you deeper inside yourself—and your lover—far away from the surface where the commotion is.
Our bodies are the proverbial temples where our spirits reside, yet we all too often ignore our own sacred spaces. Getting back in touch with who we truly are, and nurturing ourselves can revitalize our own mind-body-spirit connections.
But don’t take my word for it; try some of these for yourself. And remember, we are ALL connected.
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Founder of The Sacred Science
36 Responses
Thanks for this very informative article Nick.
absolutely beauruful! we need more people who can deliver this beautiful knowledge!
thank you!
met you ince when i was with my boyfriend in Naples , Florida. we spoke a little and wS fun! iam a fellow Italian thiygh born in Us. Just watched the film from Zonia is anyone has a chance wTch and listen to it!!
it is a beautiful film produced in Bulgaria. Delivered by apostoliv on his website
Nick, this was not only deep and insightful but completely applicable. I have copied, yes on real paper, your article so that I can be reminded of all you enlightened suggestions. Beautifully written. Thank you.
Hi Nick, loved your article. I’m a Yoga/fitness teacher. I’m also a singer and would love to
do a background vocal track for a documentary film. There are so many impressive documentaries!
You can hear me on You Tube if you key in Susan Hirst ‘Summertime’ I have a very strong, good
voice as I trained earlier in life to sing opera but didn’t continue as I needed to do deep therapy
to heal myself and I also found the actual opera world inauthentic. I’ve been busy raising my
daughter and having to make ends meet but now she’s older and am a little more free to
follow my passion. I can directly send you the link if interested. Thanks Susan
Thank you Nick. I am quite OK. I am (during very uneasy searching) in LDS Church from 1990.
Only living and pure church. It has completely changed my life 🙂
Have a nice time 🙂
I love your articles, but they never quite reach the real truth.
This one, in particular, all of these things are also signs that there are entities, sucking our energy to keep us out of alignment, so we won’t realize our full potential, our full spiritual self.
To keep us down, when in fact we are all eternal, all one, all love, but we are so insecure and we put these things in a 3-D context, and take ownership for them, by calling them our own. These things are not ours.
When we look outside of the box, there is so much more. My suggestion, is to call your self back, literally and figuratively call yourself back to your body, and the second you do, you wont’ feel these things, because these 5 things belong to entities trying to keep us down, and putting their crap on us.
To call yourself back, you simply, say out loud: “(your name) come back to my body now”. And you can do the same for all of your chakras, list them and say: “(your name) (chakra’s names) come back to my body now”. Universal laws, dictate that when you call your energy back it has to come back.
Then you need to find out more, when you understand why this is going on in your life, then they (entites) can never repeat the exact same pattern again, they will do it again, and again, to find a loop hole, but you have to close that loop hole, and in the mean time, you keep calling yourself back.
They entities may have entered you life in a crisis, or a break up, or a car crash, an emotional trauma, and upset at what your neighbour said, any type of drama, real or imagined, drama on tv, bad, horrible tv news. Ever wonder why they never or hardly ever air good news on tv? There is a reason. It opens the doors for these entitles. When we treat each other with kindness and love, these entities find it harder to get a foot hold, and cause us to feel these 5 things.
When you find out why these entities are sucking on you, what emotion let them into your life? In the mean time keep calling yourself back, and make sure you say it out loud.
Why do you feel the world is in crisis? To keep us away and refocused somewhere else, other then our bodies, and hearts, and spiritual love.
Keep calling yourself back, and learn to understand why these entities are attacking – feeding off of us, and when you understand completely you will be you.
Great article!
Nick, this is really good and easy to use! I’m feeling a good start to the day, thank you! Kristin
Thank you for this amazing article, it touched me soul.
I have read the entire article and I find my self-attached with it. As per the guidance, I feel,
it has tremendous qualities which could lead my life most comfortable. Please continue
to forward such good emails to me. I praise your deep research on human nature and sentiments. Thanks a lot……
What if the new energies are causing fatigue, instead of what you mentioned. it takes a measure of moments to adjust to higher frequencies!
Thank you for the useful info.
Thanksforbeingan earth angel your knowledge is appreciated God blessyou
How simple Life is; it’s seems our mind would rather us take us into the ‘dark’ recesses rather than where the heart takes us into the ‘light’ of Love. . .
this is so clear what you shared with those who have a ‘heart’ to see the truth. thank you so much Nick. . . you are blessed . . .
Dear Nick: This is thought provoking and helpful. I appreciate the wisdom that you shared and the tools that you offered to direct one toward solutions to the challenges we all experience in life. Blessings, Barb
I like your article. It is very helpful and it touched my soul. Thank you Nick.
This is awesome. I would like to print it out, but without the picture…any advice?
Never mind, I figured it out! Keep writing! Love your stuff.
Dear Nick, thank you so much for your valuable insights, my soul appreciates your guidance.
Hi Nick, great and helpful article. This is very timely. I’m going through a lot of energy shifts in quick succession. I’m a bit like a pin ball machine, laughing hesterically at a frriends story early in the day and almost in tears by the evening. I come back to my center with the help of a dear friend and my own inner wisdom, but this article really helped me to see my own truth.
I thank you and keep them coming! I love Sacred Science.
Thanks for this Nick. It has certainly resonated with me and particularly at this time when I have been feeling very separated from my true self.
Keep up the good work
People. Believed. In.jesus.will blessing. Walk. Right.
Hi Nick
Thank you for your email.
Yes, I have had all of those experiences. And a few more besides. I will have to repeat what I have already told you for you to understand what [ for myself ] causes these symptoms ] There was a time in my life where I was loosing all my loved ones, one after the other. First it was both my parents.
I accepted that, as they were both elderly and their time had come. Although it was still hard for me
to accept it. Then I lost my closest eldest sister who was like an extended mother and father to me.
Recently [ Four years ago] I lost my wife of over 40 years marriage. It was a terrible time for me and my family. Hopelessness and Helplessness of not being able to do anything for my family. And then the blow beneath the belt of being told that you have Cancer [ Which is caused by chronic stress]
Every Illness starts in the mind and emotions. But doctors just see the symptoms and prescribe drugs
which just mask the pain. There are fundamentally only two emotions. Love and Fear. Love is a great healer. And without it the world would be not only a very sad place to live in, but a very dangerous place as well. Fear breeds all kinds of negative and disfunctional emotions. If we take into account
that we are spiritual beings also, having a human experience on earth, which our earliest ancestors were aware of in their rituals to their departed ancestors. We then don’t fear death when it comes, but embrace it as an experience in the spiritual realms. Love Light and Life Continuous.
Such lovely wisdom and such lovely words. Thank you my friend.
Thank you for caring. Your words are powerful and are helping me through the most difficult time in my life. My 26 year old daughter is at home with me in hospice. She has suffered with and incurable and rare illness for more than half of her life. You written words bring us both peace. I will definitely try the techniques you describe. Because of you life is a little less sad.
I am new to Sacred Science and I have felt more awaken every time I read or watch something from you all there Thank You.
Thank you…I’ve printed this to hang on my wall as a wonderful reminder to look deeper each day peace and spirit seem lost.
A well-written piece Nick. Great questions, wonderful information and the essential oil suggestions make this a perfectly balanced article. I was just listening to music to select for my upcoming mindful meditation workshop when I read this. Thinking about doing a workshop based on this information along with meditation.
Thanks and blessings to you.
Very Interesting for all’s …nice to conitue to learn of things new info as to combining of all all’s
I am interested in your wisdom books
Nick thank you for your words they definitely answered some questions when I applied them to my questions. Our society has a way of putting blinders on us everyday, using stimulants to mask our emotions and drain our adrenal glands to the point where when faced with chrisis of the body, the mind or our spirit we start to feel as if we are drowning in our own temple. Again what powerful information , god bless 🙂
I’m not aligned with my Spirit GOD I’m constantly dealing with mood swings
Depression, mental health as well I’m in an environment where I’m misunderstood and taken advantage of.
Thank you for your article here.
I feel really lost here. Because I don’t feel in alignment at all with my soul, barely and I have OCD which is trying to keep pulling me down and gush away my energy.
Right now I am feeling really mentally ill because I don’t have much life energy for one thing.
I have an OCD diagnosis which is the culprit in trying to not get me back to my true self.
Is it still possible that I can recover all my life energy back? Please let me know. I hope so. For my and my family’s sake.
Thank you.
I like the heart behind this article, but like some others I do find it potentially limiting, especially with the fatigue issue – if one is working a job that really isn’t meaningful or resonant then yes that could be a cause for fatigue, but there really as so many other factors, such as sensitivity and openeness, entity attachments as already mentioned. The idea that there are new high frequency energy transmission via the sun that could indeed result in fatigue if there is DNA mutation and activation happening. On a more tangible level, fatigue could be caused by toxins, parasites and emfs. A toxic and stressful relationship, or just a combination of poor stress related habits like not sleeping properly, eating sub optimally, and enduring stressful environments. Even poor breathing habits can contribute to fatigue due to CO2 intolerance. What i do like about Nick is that he is bridging into more holistic dimensions and ways of approaching life issues and that is a good thing given that so many default to pharmaceuticals. In my view key issues like fatigue and depression often have multiple causes or co-factors beyond those listed in this article.
Thanks for the insights and the work you do for community. Much appreciated.
This is such a wonderful and complete set of guidelines, practices and remedies! I will keep these for help and reference for myself and loved ones. Nick, thank you so much!