Blue Moon Mugwort – Navigating the Dream World

By Davyd Farrell
Ship Floating Through Mountains in a Moonlight Night Sky

Have you ever met or known someone who encouraged you to do things you otherwise may not have ever done or thought of? Well that’s one of the beautiful things about working with plants.

Over the last year, my experience working with plant spirits has been an unfolding journey. Along with many other amazing lessons, they have taught me to listen – not necessarily with my ears, but to more carefully listen to the inner voice and to observe myself. Thus when unusual thoughts seem to well up from the lower depths I pay heed to them a bit more closely than I ever used to, and then I act on the basis of that information.

It pays to be alert at all times!

Thanks to this awareness, Emma (my wife) and I found ourselves up at 4am on the morning of the Full Moon a few weeks back. We had already planned a special ceremony that night to work with some of our favourite teacher plants, and to get up early to go picking fresh Mugwort.

According to traditional folklore and hedge-witchery, the powers of this plant are at the strongest before sunrise – so this is best time to pick the plant – hence the extra early start. In addition, it’s best done on a full moon for maximum energetic powers. And this was a special Full Moon, a Blue one, which only happens once every 3 years, when there are 2 full moons in a calendar month – not a natural phenomena in itself due to the Gregorian calendar but adding some further mystique to the whole day.

We wanted to collect fresh Mugwort to dry for tea and smoking. We also wanted to make a tincture from it and collect the flowers which were in full bloom, to make a Full Moon flower essence. So far so good. This was the plan.

Following the Flowers

The day before though I got a clear message that we were to also make another special flower essence. This time, it was to be made in the Full Moon light later that day, with the energy of the moon infusing the water rather than sunlight. Further, I was instructed that we should add some special dreaming crystals to the essence to make a full power, full moon dreaming potion!

Mugwort is known for many different things in these lands ranging from helping to banish evil spirits from your house to being an excellent birthing aid for women.

In shamanic circles though she is primarily known as a dreaming herb with the capacity to help people to become conscious in the dream. This is otherwise known as Lucid Dreaming. To be clear, because it can be a bit misleading, it’s not that it makes you dream better. Rather, it makes you more present in the here and now, and at full tilt which can make you conscious in the dream. This will work equally as well in the so-called waking state but it will make you more present and clear. The plant is also good for other similar practices such as astral projection.

One of her main energetic vibrations is of alignment – both physically and emotionally.  We have seen the effects of this energy in our own lives by straightening many things out, admittedly not all of them we were quite ready to straighten out but hey ho – they are now and we have had an amazing healing in the process!

For example, at a recent Mugwort initiation ceremony, one participant who was journeying with the plant felt healing energy in an old spine wound that helped bring him relief.

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The Message and the Essence

Adding the two crystals as urged by the plant felt completely natural and appropriate. Moonstone is naturally linked to the moon but is also a ‘stone of new beginnings.’ It can help make the unconscious conscious, and thus is an excellent aid for encouraging lucid dreaming – especially at the time of full moon. It also helps promote intuition, which is very much in keeping with Mugwort’s reputation for being able to help improve clairvoyancy.

The addition of the Labradorite – a high vibration stone with mystical qualities – was to really ramp up the energetic power of the essence. This stone also has a strong reputation for being able to assist in lucid dreaming by placing it under the pillow when you sleep. It is also known to be able to assist Shamans and Magicians in protecting them whilst they journey through altered states of consciousness, and enable them to have better recall of their experiences afterwards.

When I first heard the statistic, I couldn’t believe that the average human spends between 20-30 years of their life asleep and in most cases with virtually no recall of the experience! I still can’t believe it. Just imagine if we were to be fully conscious for nearly the whole day rather than just two thirds of it.

So, now that we have this super high voltage dream essence, we are all set to enter the dream world and become conscious there more often. Who knows what further messages we may get now from Mugwort when we go to sleep. Until next time…

The plants are speaking. Are you listening?


Davyd Farrell is a Director and Joint Owner of Archetype Events. Along with his wife Emma, he creates and organises consciousness raising events, talks and workshops such as Plant Consciousness, The Shamanic Lands & Gateways Of The Mind. He is passionate about working with indigenous plants in a shamanic way, and how these practices can be used to bring about individual and collective healing. You can learn more about one of their events at 

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